Meditation hike through the Ammergau Alps

Meditation hike through the Ammergau Alps

Hiking Trails
Relaxation & Wellness

"What you wish to kindle in others must burn within yourself." This is the motto of the meditation hiking trail "Meditationsweg" in the Ammergau Alps.

"What you wish to kindle in others must burn within yourself." This is the motto of the meditation hiking trail "Meditationsweg" in the Ammergau Alps. The route stretches between the Pilgrimage Church at Wies ("Wieskirche") in the town of Steingaden to Schloss Linderhof near Ettal. It's a journey for everyone to unwind and look after their wellbeing. If you're looking for a particularly intense experience, you can also take part in a multi-day meditation hike, guided by experienced therapists and pilgrim leaders. Each move, each breath, each fantasy journey and each meditation will guide the traveller a step closer to finding themselves. Those wanting to familiarise themselves with this style of hiking might like to try one of the day hikes that start at the Fatima Chapel and end up at the historical site of Döttenbichl in Oberammergau.

Meditation hike in the Ammergau Alps
Wies 12
86989 Steingaden
Next station

Our tip: Please make sure to check your train connection and the expected capacity before you start your journey.

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