Murder mystery dinner in Augsburg

Murder mystery dinner in Augsburg

Food highlight

Take part in a murder mystery dinner at the "Wirtshaus Riegele" restaurant in Augsburg, where you can eat and solve a murder at the same time. The event takes its inspiration from the German detective series "Tatort".

Take part in a murder mystery dinner at the "Wirtshaus Riegele" restaurant (only a two-minute walk north of Augsburg main station), where you can eat and solve a murder at the same time. Inspired by the German detective series "Tatort", actors play out different murder cases, in which the audience can take part and influence the plot. Different to any other murder mysteries, no one really knows what's going to happen next. Three delicious courses later and the murderer is seized - or maybe not? One thing is certain though: you'll leave feeling well-fed and most likely, extremely content. The dinners are organised on an irregular basis, so you'll need to book in advance.

News and prices are available here.

Riegele Wirtshaus
Frölichstraße 26
86150 Augsburg
Next station
Augsburg Hbf (main station)

Our tip: Please make sure to check your train connection and the expected capacity before you start your journey.

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