Christmas magic in the Murnau pedestrian zone

Christmas magic in the Murnau pedestrian zone

Seasonal Highlight
Local traditions
family friendly

On the third weekend of Advent, the scent of mulled wine and roasted almonds hangs in the pedestrian zone of Murnau.

On the third weekend of Advent, the scent of mulled wine and roasted almonds hangs in the pedestrian zone of Murnau. Whilst you warm yourself with your cup or feast your way from stall to stall, you can admire the listed building facades. Father Christmas and his horse-drawn sleigh, real alpacas to stroke and a living nativity scene await the children.

The Staffelsee innkeepers' own hut village, which is also located in front of the town hall in the pedestrian zone, is open for you throughout the Advent season until 23 December. Here, too, you will find everything you need for a proper Christmas market.

Christmas market Murnau
Postgasse 6
82418 Murnau
Next station

Our tip: Please make sure to check your train connection and the expected capacity before you start your journey.

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