The Obermain Therme: Bavaria's warmest and strongest thermal brine

The Obermain Therme: Bavaria's warmest and strongest thermal brine

swimming possibility
rest stop
Indoors and outdoors
Relaxation & Wellness
For Adults

At the Obermain Therme in Bad Staffelstein, Bavaria's strongest thermal brine provides cosy warmth and a real seaside feeling.

Discover the Obermain Therme Bad Staffelstein

Experience regeneration, revitalisation and deep relaxation at the Obermain Therme Bad Staffelstein. This thermal spa is known for Bavaria's warmest and strongest thermal brine - a natural phenomenon that is good for body, mind and soul.

A wide range of wellness and therapy programmes

The Obermain Therme offers a unique combination of wellness and therapy under one roof. Take advantage of the countless opportunities to utilise the enormous power of salt and brine in the thermal sea and premium sauna land for your well-being.

Ideal for health holidays and wellness weekends

The Obermain Therme in Bad Staffelstein is the perfect destination for a health holiday or a wellness weekend in Upper Franconia. Just a three-minute walk from Bad Staffelstein railway station, the thermal spa offers a wide range of relaxing treatments, from massages to the salt grotto.

Current information, admission prices and opening times

For up-to-date information, admission prices and opening hours of the Obermain Therme Bad Staffelstein, please visit the official website here.

For more impressions of the Bad Staffelstein thermal baths, take a look at our "Unboxing Bavaria" videos:

Obermain Therme
Am Kurpark 1
96231 Bad Staffelstein
Next station
Bad Staffelstein

Our tip: Please make sure to check your train connection and the expected capacity before you start your journey.

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