Country views: Pappenheim Castle

Country views: Pappenheim Castle

Historically Relevant
Gardens and parks

The sweeping view across the Altmühl valley from the castle is certain to have saved the lives of its original occupants on one or two occasions.

The sweeping view across the Altmühl valley from Pappenheim Castle is certain to have saved the lives of its original occupants on one or two occasions, as you could already spot enemies advancing from a long way away. These days, you can just relax and enjoy the view, take a casual stroll through the Botanical Gardens, visit the Nature and Hunting Museum or just stretch out under the lime trees of the castle tavern.

News, prices and opening hours are available here.

Pappenheim Castle
Dr.-Wilhelm-Kraft-Weg 15
91788 Pappenheim
Next station

Our tip: Please make sure to check your train connection and the expected capacity before you start your journey.

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