Paddling down the Pegnitz is for the mind and soul

Paddling down the Pegnitz is for the mind and soul

Seasonal Highlight
swimming possibility

Paddle down the Pegnitz in a canoe or kayak. On the Pegnitz you can paddle for miles and miles through undisturbed nature.

On the Pegnitz you can paddle for miles and miles through undisturbed nature. Although this Franconian river is not that wild, its currents, river bends and trees are still to be reckoned with. Inexperienced canoers can go on a guided trip or book a class, while those with more experience can hire a canoe and just start paddling. This is how your day might pan out: First you take the train to Rupprechtstegen. The boat hire place is right next to the station. Before setting off, you can regain your strength in the "Rastwaggon" beer garden near the station. Half way along the route, you'll reach the Pechwirt Guest House in Artelshofen, which is the ideal place for a spot of lunch. Then you paddle onwards until you reach Hohenstadt. You'll disembark at a point very close to the station. 

Am Bahnhof
91235 Röthenbach an der Pegnitz
Next station

Our tip: Please make sure to check your train connection and the expected capacity before you start your journey.

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