Pilgrimage route – from Aschaffenburg to Colmar

Pilgrimage route – from Aschaffenburg to Colmar

Hiking Trails
City Trip

If you want to experience a pilgrimage route while only taking a short hike, you should set out from Aschaffenburg. It leads all the way to Colmar in two legs.

If you want to experience a pilgrimage route while only taking a short hike, you should set out from Aschaffenburg: it’s about nine kilometres to get to Sulzbach am Main from there; easily doable without training. Got a taste for hiking? Then take the train further to Miltenberg. This little town by the Main river has a medieval town centre, and is certainly worth visiting. Not to mention it is only another nine-kilometre hike along the pilgrimage route away from the “wedding village” of Amorbach (which means Cupid brook in English), which has both a beautiful name and an abbey that is well worth a visit. Both legs are at the start of the Aschaffenburg-Colmar pilgrimage route.

St. Peter and Alexander collegiate church, starting point
Stiftsgasse 5
63739 Aschaffenburg
Next station
Aschaffenburg Hbf (main station)

Our tip: Please make sure to check your train connection and the expected capacity before you start your journey.

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