Bayreuth: having a dip at the pool or going on a shopping spree

Bayreuth: having a dip at the pool or going on a shopping spree

swimming possibility
Workout Opportunity

You can stroll through shops just ten minutes away from the station. The Bayreuth public swimming pool can be reached in five minutes.

Shopping or exercise? In Bayreuth, both are possible in an hour. In only ten minutes you will have crossed the Red Main river, after which you can trundle around the shops in the city centre. The Bayreuth public swimming pool can be reached in five minutes. Well? How many lengths can you swim in the time left?

News, prices and opening hours are available here.

Bayreuth public swimming pool
Am Jägerhaus 2
95444 Bayreuth
Next station
Bayreuth Hbf (main station)

Our tip: Please make sure to check your train connection and the expected capacity before you start your journey.

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