"Jamas!" At Rhodos restaurant in Passau

"Jamas!" At Rhodos restaurant in Passau

rest stop

Passau experts agree on one thing: the best Greek restaurant in the city is only five minutes from the station – Rhodos restaurant.

Passau experts agree on one thing: The best Greek restaurant in the city can be reached from the station in just five minutes by walking westwards along the Danube. The owner, Vasilios, has decided to skip the kitschy decorations. Instead, the focus is on the menu, which features an overwhelming number of traditional Greek dishes at good value for money. 

News, the menu and the opening hours are available here.

Rhodos restaurant
Brunngasse 29
94032 Passau
Next station
Passau Hbf (main station)

Our tip: Please make sure to check your train connection and the expected capacity before you start your journey.

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