24 tours through the Franconian Forest

24 tours through the Franconian Forest

Seasonal Highlight
Workout Opportunity

In the Rennsteig region from Steinbach am Wald, there is a route to suit everyone: the routes are between four and eleven kilometres long.

In the Rennsteig region from Steinbach am Wald, everyone will find the right route: the routes are between four and 20 kilometres long, some have a skating track and are divided into different levels of difficulty. The routes start at the Schützenplatz or the leisure centre in Steinbach. Both can be reached on foot in just a few minutes from the railway station.

Steinbach Leisure Centre
Badstraße 2
96361 Steinbach am Wald
Next station
Steinbach am Wald

Please check the snow and weather conditions as well as the opening times of the ski area before buying your ticket!

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