Sausage excursion to Lower Franconia

Sausage excursion to Lower Franconia

rest stop

Be warned: these excursion tips may not be to vegetarians' tastes. Because it's all about sausages here. A culinary journey through the region, from the north to the south.

A half-metre-long, thin sausage that is somewhere between a Bratwurst and a Bockwurst in flavour, spicy, and with a special onion sauce: the Feuerwurst (fiery sausage) is a cult favourite in Würzburg. It was invented at the Treziak food stall, and the recipe for the spice mixture is a well-kept secret. At festivals and markets in Würzburg and the surrounding areas, the Feuerwurst goes on tour in a food van. You can find the Treziak kiosk year-round at the Unterer Markt in Würzburg, about a ten-minute walk from the station. More information and the tour itinerary of the Feuerwurst can be found here.

97070 Marketplace Würzburg
Next station
Würzburg Hbf (main station)

Our tip: Please make sure to check your train connection and the expected capacity before you start your journey.

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