The snuff factory in Regensburg

The snuff factory in Regensburg


Although tobacco has not been produced in the Regensburg snuff factory since 1998, it still smells pleasantly spicy.

Although tobacco has not been produced in the Regensburg snuff factory since 1998, it still smells pleasantly spicy. In the 200 years in which the production of "Schmalzler Franzl" ran at full speed, the scent has settled in the walls, wooden ceilings and barrels. Spread over three originally preserved rooms, guests get an impression of tobacco production, learn details about the company's history and the culture of snuff and can sample various flavours in the alchemist's kitchen. A little snuff tip: professionals take their left hand and elegantly spread their little finger and thumb.

Current information, admission prices and opening times can be found here.

Regensburg snuff factory
Gesandtenstraße 3
93047 Regensburg
Next station
Regensburg Hbf (main station)

Our tip: Please make sure to check your train connection and the expected capacity before you start your journey.

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