Teufelshöhle (Devil's Cave) in Pottenstein: An impressive feat of nature

Teufelshöhle (Devil's Cave) in Pottenstein: An impressive feat of nature

There are more than 1,000 caves in Franconian Switzerland. The most well-known and most accessible is the "Teufelshöhle" (Devil's Cave) in Pottenstein, which is one of the most famous stalactite caves in Bavaria.

There are more than 1,000 caves in Franconian Switzerland, which is more than any other region in the world. The most well-known and most accessible is the "Teufelshöhle" (Devil's Cave) in Pottenstein. You enter the underworld through a huge gaping hole, leaving the world of the living behind. You can expect to see stalactites, bats, crooked passages and caves the size of a church. 45 minutes and 400 steps later, you'll reach the end of your 1.5-kilometre underground trek and re-emerge into the light of day. And you'll leave with the memory of a fascinating underground adventure. The cave is also used as a place for treating respiratory infections, due to the purity, cool temperature and moisture content of the air. But do make sure you pack an extra coat! The temperature in the Teufelshöhle only reaches nine degrees Celsius, in both the summer and the winter.

News, prices and opening hours are available here. 

Teufelshöhle in Pottenstein
Schüttersmühle 5
91278 Pottenstein
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Our tip: Please make sure to check your train connection and the expected capacity before you start your journey.

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