A Franconian vineyard panorama – the “terroir f” lookout point in Iphofen

A Franconian vineyard panorama – the “terroir f” lookout point in Iphofen

For groups
Fine wine
Interesting Facts

A view far and wide over the Franconian wine country – enjoy it at the “terroir f” lookout point in Iphofen.

A view far and wide over the Franconian wine country, as well as a perspective on Argentinian wine-making – enjoy it all at the “terroir f” lookout point in Iphofen. From the lookout tower you have a breathtaking view over the adjacent vineyards, and you can learn interesting facts about wine-making around the world at the educational garden next door. You can reach the lookout point from Iphofen after a hike through the vineyards that takes about half an hour.

terroir f
Schwanbergweg 1
97346 Iphofen
Next station

Our tip: Please make sure to check your train connection and the expected capacity before you start your journey.

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