Tubing: down the Isar towards Munich

Tubing: down the Isar towards Munich

For groups
For Adults
Bachelor & Bachelorette Parties
Experience with action

Tubes away! Go tubing and float along the Isar river in an inner tube. This makes every rapid exciting, and every wave a small adventure.

If you want a team-building exercise for you and your colleagues or to meet people in a new and unique way, the tubing tour with the Münchner Sportpiraten is just the thing for you. The tour lasts two and a half hours and you will be provided with an experienced guide, double paddle, helmet, swimming vest, and wetsuit for the seven-kilometre journey down the Isar river. If along the way you feel like some good-natured, sporty swashbuckling, you and your friends can try and capsize and climb on each other’s tubes. You can get to the starting point of the trip by taking the U3 U-Bahn from Munich central station towards “Fürstenried-West” and getting off at the stop “Thalkirchen-Tierpark”. Afterwards it’s a fifteen-minute walk to the meeting point at the Thalkirchen camping site. You can also take the number 135 bus for three stops to “Floßlende”.

Sport-Piraten event agency
Zentralländstraße 39
81379 Munich
Next station
München Hbf (Munich main station)

Our tip: Please make sure to check your train connection and the expected capacity before you start your journey.

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