The Turmtheater theatre in Regensburg

The Turmtheater theatre in Regensburg

Culturally Important

The Turmtheater theatre in Regensburg doesn’t just raise you to lofty cultural heights. The sixth floor of the Goliath Haus offers a comprehensive programme.

The Turmtheater theatre in Regensburg doesn’t just raise you to lofty cultural heights. The sixth floor of the distinguished Goliath Haus, high above the old town of Regensburg, brings to the stage a comprehensive programme of cabaret, improv and modern plays. You can reach the theatre from the station by walking through the old town of Regensburg; it’ll take you around 10 minutes.

News, tickets and the programme are available here.

Turmtheater theatre Regensburg
Watmarkt 5
93047 Regensburg
Next station
Regensburg Hbf (main station)

Our tip: Please make sure to check your train connection and the expected capacity before you start your journey.

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