Munich – the beer metropolis

Munich – the beer metropolis

rest stop
Art of brewing

Examples of nice and traditional beer gardens include the one from the Paulaner brewery on Nockherberg hill.

Of course, the world beer capital can't be missed. The beer garden of the Paulaner Brewery on Nockherberg hill is nice and traditional: it makes for a nice place to mingle with other people under the shade of an old chestnut tree with a wheat beer – both with Munich natives and “Zugroasten” (incomers) from all over the world. The tram will take you to the picture-perfect beer garden in just 20 minutes from the main station.

You can also indulge in beer from the current craft beer trend in Munich: the "Tap-House" at Ostbahnhof station offers the opportunity to sample 200 extraordinary beers from all over the world. From fruity to bitter, you’re guaranteed to find something to suit every taste – you can create such diverse flavours with the traditional brewing ingredients of water, wheat, hops and yeast.

Paulaner brewery
HochstraĂźe 77
81541 Munich
Next station
MĂĽnchen Hbf (Munich main station)

Our tip: Please make sure to check your train connection and the expected capacity before you start your journey.

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