To Falkenberghaus cabin in Vorra

To Falkenberghaus cabin in Vorra

rest stop
For groups

A wonderful group excursion to Vorra. Perfect for a little break in a large group: the Falkenberghaus cabin stands in a forest above the idyllic Pegnitztal valley.

Perfect for a little break in a large group: the Falkenberghaus cabin stands in a forest above the idyllic Pegnitztal valley. Families and groups of up to thirty can rent it as a self-catered cabin. If you don’t feel like cooking, you can also have food delivered to you from restaurants nearby. It is about a three-kilometre walk to the cabin from Vorra station. 

For further information please click here.

Meinfelder Weg 5
91247 Vorra
Next station
Vorra (Pegnitz)

Our tip: Please make sure to check your train connection and the expected capacity before you start your journey.

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