Wolves at the WildPark Tambach castle

Wolves at the WildPark Tambach castle

Animal Adventures
family friendly
Interesting Facts
rest stop

Cows, pigs, goats – boooooooring. There are a lot of exotic animals to discover in Bavaria. We will tell you where.

Wild animals: at the WildPark Tambach castle in Upper Franconia (barely a 20-minute bus ride from Coburg station), things are wilder than at a regular zoo. The property, which is over 50 hectares in size, is home to numerous European wild animals such as lynxes, wolves, otters, and elks.

News, prices and opening hours are available here.

Wild animals
Am Wildpark 3
96479 Weitramsdorf
Next station

Our tip: Please make sure to check your train connection and the expected capacity before you start your journey.

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