Wood carving course in Oberammergau

Wood carving course in Oberammergau

Historically Relevant
Crafts, DIY and Courses

The work of Oberammergau wood carvers was admired as far back as the 16th century. Today, you can take a wood carving course there.

The work of Oberammergau wood carvers was admired as far back as the 16th century. The Upper Bavarian municipality is famous for its wooden religious figurines and nativity scenes. That being said, the local artists also have lovely items that are more modern. If you would like to try for yourself, you can book a wood carving course with experienced masters of the trade.

If you’d rather purchase a finished piece, you can find a selection at places, such as the Holzschnitzerei Albl

For further information please click here.

Wood carving course
Othmar-Weis-Straße 5
82487 Oberammergau
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Our tip: Please make sure to check your train connection and the expected capacity before you start your journey.

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