Yodelling workshop on an Alpine pasture

Yodelling workshop on an Alpine pasture

All ages
Local traditions
Crafts, DIY and Courses

Even if you can't sing, the maestro will promise to teach you to "yodel from the heart" in his workshops.

Holleri-du-dödel-di… Unfortunately, maestro Alfons Hasenkopf won't be awarding you with a yodelling diploma, unlike in the well-known German sketch "Loriot". Instead, the maestro promises that his workshops will teach you the art of "yodelling from the heart", even if you can't sing. The advanced classes have an extra dash of authenticity, as they take place on the idyllic Stie-Alm pasture. After the five-hour climb from Benediktbeuern, you're guaranteed to be in just the right mood for a yodel!

For further information please click here.

Latschenkopf 5
83658 Lenggries-Brauneck
Next station

Our tip: Please make sure to check your train connection and the expected capacity before you start your journey.

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