In the Rodach valley and around the Ködel dam
Explore the Franconian Forest by e-bike: through the Rodach valley, past old mills to the Ködel dam, over the Nurner Brocken and back to Kronach. Nature, history and breathtaking views!
5 h
55 km
On this tour through the charming Franconian Forest, you will discover what can happen when man and nature work together. The many mills along the Rodach bear witness to how important the constantly flowing water was for work and development in the region.
At the Ködel dam, it is the drinking water dammed by humans that supplies the surrounding area with the basis of all life and also offers opportunities for sport and recreation. In a stony desert that was created as a spoil tip, nature has independently conquered a unique habitat. And on the southern edge of Kronach's more than thousand-year-old old town centre, man has used nature and culture to create an oasis of well-being from a polluted industrial estate.
A cycle tour for nature lovers and adventurers
Arrive relaxed and hire bikes from the local hire companies. The capacity for taking bikes on the trains is limited and, depending on capacity utilisation, taking your own bike on board cannot be guaranteed.
Start and end station
Start station
Bahnhof Kronach
6 tour steps
55 km / 5 Stunden
End station
Bahnhof Neuses
Our tip: Please make sure to check your train connection and the expected capacity before you start your journey.
Tour starts on Bahnhof Kronach
DB bicycle service Kronach station
There are bicycle parking spaces in the immediate vicinity.
If you have had an e-bike delivered to the railway station by Frankenwald Bike in advance, the tour can start immediately. From the railway station, head eastwards parallel to the B303.
You then cycle through Marktrodach along the River Rodach.
Frankenwald Bikes
Frankenwald Bikes offers 4 e-bike models for hire, all of which are equipped with high-quality components so that you can start your cycle tours in the Franconian Forest without any compromises.
On request in advance, the hire shop also offers the option of having hire bikes delivered to the railway station. However, it is essential to enquire in advance.
The current prices of the different models can be found on the website. (daily price 35-45,-€)
Tiefenbach 1a
Start eastwards over the two rivers Haßlach and Kronach and follow the Rodach upstream.
The valley of the Rodach becomes narrower after Marktrodach and Zeyern and you will pass old mills along the way, which have characterised the area.
Steinwiesen pond mill
The pond mill in Steinwiesen is over half a millennium old. It was first mentioned in 1507. In the Franconian Forest, the milling tradition is even over 900 years old. These first "machines" of mankind are already mentioned in the Old Testament. However, the mills in the Rodach Valley are not hand-operated and do not grind grain. The Teichmühle is one of the last saw or cutting mills in the Franconian Forest still in operation today and its mill wheel is intact. It is also a museum mill. It is open on Sunday afternoons in summer for anyone who would like to find out more about what the working day of a cutting miller used to be like. Groups of ten people or more can book a guided tour throughout the week.
Teichmühle 1
- 01.05. - 31.10.
- Sunday: 02:00pm - 05:00pm
There are even more mills on your way. You continue up the Rodach until you reach your second destination of today's tour: the Ködel dam.
If you wish, you can stop off at the local inn "Klug" in Nurn above the dam after your tour and fortify yourself for the return journey. (Nurn 21, 96349 Steinwiesen, tel. 09262 7908)
Ködel dam
The Mauthaus drinking water reservoir is the largest drinking water reservoir in Bavaria. Its tributaries to the right and left of the Schauberg at the northern end of the dam are called the Nordhalbener and Tschirner Ködel, which is why it is also known as the Ködel dam.
The predominantly flat, asphalted circular trail around the reservoir is a good eleven kilometres long and is suitable for many recreational sports: from hiking, jogging and cycling to inline skating and Nordic biking. However, because drinking water is extracted here, the invitingly clear water is off-limits for swimming.
After the flat loop around the dam, the only significant ascent of this tour awaits you.
A forest path with a rapid ascent takes you to the eastern edge of Nurn. Follow the gravel path southwards for one kilometre to reach the viewpoint.
Nurner Brocken
Although this stone desert was artificially created by humans, it has become a unique natural biotope over time. It was created when the 2207 state road between Steinwiesen and Mauthaus was widened. It consists of 30,000 cubic metres of rock material that form a bizarre rocky landscape.
Today, the rocky desert is a habitat for rare plants and animals, including many lizards and the protected smooth snake, which is completely harmless to humans. From here, the view sweeps over the hills and valleys of the Franconian Forest from a height of 500 metres.
From the fantastic view on the hilltop, you first return to Nurn and from there continue along the tarmac road through the forest back to Rodachtal.
If you like, take a break en route in Marktrodach at Stegner's country beer garden (Kulmbacher Str. 10, 96364 Marktrodach, tel. 09261 2640) or, in bad weather, in the rustic barn next door. Here you can enjoy Franconian specialities and snacks from our own production and every month a special draught beer from the region.
Now it's not far to Kronach.
State Garden Show Park Kronach
When the State Garden Show opened in Kronach in 2002, the town had successfully completed the largest clean-up of contaminated sites in the history of Bavaria. Where the rivers Haßlach and Kronach join the Rodach, there was previously an unsightly and heavily polluted industrial estate.
Twenty years ago, a spacious 14-hectare park was created on this site against the backdrop of the Rosenberg fortress. Today, the Landesgartenschaupark attracts people of all ages. Sports enthusiasts can let off steam at the adventure and water playground, volleyball court, skate park and climbing tower. Those who want to unwind can take a look at the sculptures, meet up at the lakeside stage or take a stroll through the educational garden.
Pfählangerstraße 23
Tour ends on Bahnhof Neuses
The way back to Kronach railway station leads northwards along the water.
But don't forget to return your hire e-bike before you get on the train.