Schanzberg, Foto: Katja Schumann Weiderinder neben dem Weg, Foto: Katja Schumann Landschaft bei Neumarkt, Foto: Katja Schumann Moor der schwarzen Laber, Foto: Katja Schumann Burgruine Wolfstein, Foto: Katja Schumann Burgruine Wolfstein, Foto: Katja Schumann Beschilderung, Foto: Katja Schumann Regionalpark Quellenreich, Foto: Katja Schumann Radweg bei Pelchenhofen, Foto: Katja Schumann Radweg bei Pelchenhofen, Foto: Katja Schumann Foto: Bartlomiej Banaszak, Lizenz: Deutsche Bahn AG Fahrrad, Foto: Gasthof zum Hirschen, Foto: Marion Sichert Laberquelle, Foto: Katja Schumann Burgruine Wolfstein, Foto: Katja Schumann Foto: pixabay-katjasv
Bycicle tour

Neumarkt i. d. Oberpfalz - Breathe deeply in the realm of springs

rest stop
Animals & Nature

Experience the idyll of the Quellenreich Regional Park. Here, where numerous streams have their source, an imposing castle ruin and many a culinary delight await you on your cycle tour.

Neumarkt (Oberpfalz)
5 h
28 km
Key facts of the tour
The town of Neumarkt in der Oberpfalz lies on the western edge of the Franconian Alb. From here, you can experience the Regionalpark Quellenreich in all its beauty on this cycle tour. Numerous springs have their source here and streams flow through the otherwise water-poor karst landscape. This and the heights with their varied lines of sight are what make the landscape so attractive.

This tour is for active hikers in good physical condition. It climbs up to 260 metres and descends accordingly. The climbs, which can sometimes be challenging, are easy to master on an e-bike.

With a few short exceptions, the "Regionalpark Quellenreich" (RRQ) cycle route runs away from roads or on cycle paths alongside roads. You can enjoy well-deserved breaks in the beer gardens and in the midst of old Bavarian pub culture. Look out for the Q at the edge of the path. This sign indicates particularly beautiful resting places in the Quellenreich.
A cycle tour for nature lovers and families

Arrive relaxed and hire bikes from the local hire companies. The capacity for taking bikes on the trains is limited and, depending on capacity utilisation, taking your own bike on board cannot be guaranteed.

Start and end station

Start station
Bahnhof Neumarkt (Oberpfalz)
6 tour steps
28 km / 5 Stunden
End station
Bahnhof Neumarkt (Oberpfalz)

Our tip: Please make sure to check your train connection and the expected capacity before you start your journey.


Tour starts on Bahnhof Neumarkt (Oberpfalz)


DB bicycle service Neumarkt station

There are 495 bicycle parking spaces in the immediate vicinity of the railway station.

Bahnhofsplatz 1
Neumarkt (Oberpfalz)

Foto: Bartlomiej Banaszak, Lizenz: Deutsche Bahn AG


The route to the bike hire shop leads north from the station via Bahnhofstraße, where you can hire bikes for the tour from the E-Bike Technik-Zentrum bike shop.

E-bike technology centre

Riese and Müller bikes are available at the e-bike technology centre. Extremely easy to ride bikes that do not lack any comfort.

The hire should be booked by telephone one week before the start of the trip. If you have to cancel at short notice, there is no cancellation fee. Bikes can only be hired and returned during opening hours and on presentation of an identity card.

The daily price for renting an e-bike is 40 euros.

The shop offers professional expertise, individual advice and a very good and speedy service.

Badstraße 14
Neumarkt in der Oberpfalz

Contact person: E-bike technology centre ETZ GmbH
Phone: 09181 905644
Monday: 09:00am - 01:00pm and 02:00pm - 06:00pm
Tuesday: 09:00am - 01:00pm and 02:00pm - 06:00pm
Wednesday: 09:00am - 01:00pm and 02:00pm - 06:00pm
Thursday: 09:00am - 01:00pm and 02:00pm - 06:00pm
Friday: 09:00am - 01:00pm and 02:00pm - 06:00pm
Saturday: 09:00am - 01:00pm
Fahrrad, Foto:


Cycle briefly back to Theo-Betz-Platz and then turn right past the old town centre to the north.

The path leads through the monastery gate. It was once just a narrow passageway in the city wall that led into the Capuchin monastery and was extended into a gate in 1858.

The route continues past the town park, which surrounds the palatine castle, and further on you leave the town.

In Pfeffertshofen, after almost 10 kilometres and a long climb, you will find a rustic inn for your first refreshment stop.

Inn Zum Hirschen

According to an old document in the Amberg State Archives, the inn has been located here "since time immemorial". Travellers and carters have stayed here ever since the road on which the inn stands has existed.
The inn has been proudly owned by the Sichert family since 1902. When the house was destroyed down to its foundations towards the end of the Second World War, family and friends rebuilt it to its former beauty within a year.

There is plenty of room in the cosily furnished pub. In summer, the terrace and garden are also open to guests.

The whole family has been involved in running the inn for generations.
Today it is landlord Michael who slaughters and sausages himself. The dishes prepared with love by his wife Marion are home-made and freshly served.

Opening hours:
Open from Thursday to Sunday from midday until the evening
Monday and Wednesday are closed.
Tuesday the inn is closed from 14.00 to 17.00.

Rödelberger Str. 2

Phone: 09186 339
Email Address:
Gasthof zum Hirschen, Foto: Marion Sichert
Gasthof zum Hirschen, Foto: Marion Sichert


On the "Schwarze-Laber-Weg" (SLa), you now leave Pfeffertshofen and continue to Laaber.

There are a few climbs here, but the view of the landscape is worth the effort.


The source of the Schwarze Laber springs in Laaber, fed by several underground karst springs. The name Laber is said to come from the Celtic and means "to babble". This refers to the constant babbling sound of the stream.

The Schwarze Laber is not really black, but in contrast to the Weiße Laber, which bubbles and foams brightly thanks to its higher flow velocity, the Schwarze Laber has always been a calm body of water and therefore appears darker than its faster counterpart.

The Laber spring was renaturalised in 2005, relined and transformed into an ecological gem. This was a joint project between the municipality of Pilsach, the water management authority, the Office for Rural Development and the Neumarkt i.d. OPf. e.V. landscape conservation association.

Today there is a rest area here. The spring refreshes hikers and locals just by looking at it. The spring water has a temperature of 8 to 10 °C all year round.

The Schwarze Laber, which rises here, carves a graceful valley through the Upper Palatinate Jura and flows into the Danube at Sinzing.

An der Laberquelle

Contact person: Pilsach municipal office
Phone: 09181 30661
Laberquelle, Foto: Katja Schumann
Moor der schwarzen Laber, Foto: Katja Schumann
Moor der schwarzen Laber, Foto: Katja Schumann
Quelle der schwarzen Laber, Foto: Katja Schumann


After gaining a few metres in altitude along the way, the route now continues a little more gently and as if on a high plateau. Smaller inclines are included.

About 2.5 kilometres after Pelchenhofen, you will find a "Q" sign on the path for special places in the Quellenreich Regional Park. There you turn north towards the castle ruins.

Wolfstein castle ruins

The centuries-old Wolfstein castle ruins can be seen from afar. It is a historical landmark of the town of Neumarkt. The hill fortress is located on the highest point of the Wolfsteinberg and was first mentioned in a document in 1120.

The Wolfstein family resided here, whose last descendant died in the middle of the 18th century and is buried in the crypt of the Sulzburg church. Apart from the Landshut War of Succession at the beginning of the 16th century, the castle was never attacked or destroyed. Only the ravages of time gnawed at it and eventually left behind considerable signs of decay. In 1997, the Wolfsteinfreunde e. V. began archaeological excavations and conservation measures. The moat, kennel, bower, chapel and box house were uncovered in a scientifically sound manner.

The castle is open from April to October. However, there may be restrictions due to excavation and renovation work.

The Wolfstein Friends offer guided tours on Sundays in the summer months. The 22 metre high keep can also be climbed. From here you have a marvellous panoramic view over Neumarkt and the surrounding area.

Phone: 09181 220846
Email Address:
Burgruine Wolfstein, Foto: Katja Schumann
Aussicht von der Burguine, Foto: Katja Schumann
Burgruine Wolfstein, Foto: Katja Schumann
Burgruine Wolfstein, Foto: Katja Schumann
Burgruine Wolfstein, Foto: Katja Schumann


From this short leap back in time to the age of knights and castles, you return along the same route back to Pelchenhofener Straße until you reach Wolfsteinstraße, where you turn left.

Here you turn right and have a quite steep and - CAUTION! - stony descent ahead of you. However, the view of the town of Neumarkt from here is marvellous.

Once you reach Wolfsteinstraße, turn left and cycle southwards.

Once in the town, the Wanke inn awaits you.

Wanke Inn

The Gasthaus Wanke is located directly below the Wolfstein castle ruins, close to the Mariahilfberg with its monastery and pilgrimage church.

Guests have been catered for here since 1957. The kitchen always uses regional ingredients, homemade sauces and desserts. The meat comes from regional farms that pay attention to species-appropriate husbandry and careful slaughtering.

The homemade cakes are also popular with gourmets.

Vegetarian or vegan dishes can also be prepared on request.

Sudetenstraße 1-3
Neumarkt in der Oberpfalz

Phone: 09181 43826
Email Address:
Wednesday: 11:15am - 10:00pm
Thursday: 11:15am - 10:00pm
Friday: 11:15am - 10:00pm
Saturday: 11:15am - 06:00pm
Sunday: 11:15am - 10:00pm
Foto: pixabay-katjasv

Tour ends on Bahnhof Neumarkt (Oberpfalz)


If you cycle towards the city centre on Wolfsteinstraße, you will come directly back to Badstraße. Follow this road to the right to get back to the bike hire centre.

From here it is only 900 metres to Neumarkt station.

Tour map


Bahnhof Neumarkt (Oberpfalz)

Bahnhofsplatz 1

92318 Neumarkt (Oberpfalz)

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